Get to Know Best Washing Machine Qualities and Criteria for Their Selection

18/09/2013 11:06

By: Grant Sheridan

Washing machine previously used to have very restricted features, most of them used to have basic features – the control dial for the cycle options (that were used in washing clothes from delicate to heavy wash) and the inbuilt drier. But now, in current scenario with the advancement of technology, washing machines have paved a long way from a simple machine to an important part of everyday kitchen life.

In this hot discussion and review, the main focus will be on the topic about the salient features that one should look while buying a washer. But the most interesting part that one should keep in mind is that – the best washing machine washer will be the one that suits your requirement and not the one that have many excellent features. Some of the main point that one should focus on while buying washers are:

  1. Long Life or Durability: Most of the washing machine generally last for as long as 10 years, even sometime it can last for 1 or 2 years extra if it has been handled with utmost care. You should always try that your washing machine should last at least as 10 years. When the question comes on durability, then branded products are the one that can be trusted.


  1.  Load Size: What’s the capacity for wash per load for each laundry? You should not forget to take this important factor into consideration. If one is dumping a greater amount of laundry as compared to the normal capacity, it can lead to the breakdown of the appliance. 

Betta Electrical - Washing Machine Washers

  1. Energy Efficient: Energy efficiency nowadays plays an important role when selecting the washing machine.  Nowadays, most of the washing machine company gives their priority to the energy-efficiency and machines that are eco-friendly.
  1. Water Requirement: Does your washing machine require more gallons of water/kg of wash load as compared to the normal machines of the same configuration? One should always give priority to washing machine that consumes less amount of water each wash load.